هنو الحلوة عـضـوة مـتـحـمـسـة
عدد الرسائل : 45 العمر : 33 تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2007
| موضوع: ||.. Be thankful ..|| الخميس 20 ديسمبر - 15:29 | |
| Always ||.. Be thankful ..||
If you have a bad day at work, be thankful. Appreciate that you have a job. Some people don't
When you pay your bills, be thankful. You can pay them.
If you see a gray hair, be thankful. Think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who only wishes for any hair.
When you find yourself waiting in line or the recipient of poor service, be thankful. Think about the people who have no food to eat at all.
When you realize how much work it is to take care of a house, be thankful you have a house. Think about those who only wish they had a house to take care of.
When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long distance from your car, be thankful. Think of what it would be like not to be able to walk!
If you get irritated by other people's anger, apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful. Things could be worse. You could be one of them
When you think everything in your world is terrible, and you want to give up, think of the people who have been told they only have a certain amount of time to live. They don't want to give up.
Live life to its fullest. Appreciate life, and be thankfull to Allah as u have been given everything by Him
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صمت الوداع مشرفة القسم العام
عدد الرسائل : 80 العمر : 33 تاريخ التسجيل : 15/12/2007
| موضوع: رد: ||.. Be thankful ..|| الجمعة 21 ديسمبر - 18:30 | |
| as-salam Alykom . .
yes we have always thank Allah for all the things He gave us . .
. .
thanx me sis for your nice and usfil topic keep going . .
: ) Best regards | |
ملآك الروح المراقبة العامة
عدد الرسائل : 156 العمر : 33 ويـن سـاكنـ ؟ : منتدى دوافير المزاج : مروقـــه الهواية : التصميم والقراءة والسوالف مع صديقـااتي تاريخ التسجيل : 12/11/2007
| موضوع: رد: ||.. Be thankful ..|| الجمعة 21 ديسمبر - 21:04 | |
| hello hanooda QALBI . . well .. i like your subject it has alot of a good words and we must thank allah for all time because when we thank allah for what we have . allah will give us what we wish and we don't have { 7elwa 9a7 . . ها شرايتس اعرف اتفلسف انقليزي ؟ تخخخخ | |
الملاك الوردي المراقبة العامة
عدد الرسائل : 147 العمر : 33 المزاج : مبسوطه مافي شي يعكرني ... تاريخ التسجيل : 14/12/2007
| موضوع: رد: ||.. Be thankful ..|| الخميس 10 يناير - 21:04 | |
| يسلمو هنو حياتي
بس لازم بالانجليزي عاد عندي يهبل خخخخخخخخخخخخ
يعطيكي الف عافيه
تحياااتي | |